GOTD – Lufia & The Fortress of Doom

Lufia & The Fortress of Doom – RPG (SNES)
Taito / Neverland Co.

My second entry I beat for the first time last week. I knew it existed, and had a copy, but had more or less ignored it in favor of newer stuff.
This is one of the RPG gems for the SNES. It’s not one of the “big names”, but it still has an atmosphere and a feel that is light-hearted, and yet can become quite serious – somewhat similar to the Lunar games.

What sets it apart from other games is the fact that this game, despite having a lot of cliches, has a unique plot nonetheless. It’s rare to see a game that has colorful non-player characters, but this game has several.
The bad parts? This game does, like many RPGs, involve some amount of leveling, but this game makes it easier than most. Two of the characters receive only a small amount of character development, but by the end I had a good feel for them.
All in all, an excellent RPG, and a good one to try at some point.

It’s interesting to note that while there was a Lufia 2, and two Lufia Game Boy Color/Advance games, they were made after the studio was bought out and the majority of the staff replaced. I have not played Lufia 2 in a long time, but Lufia: The Legend Returns (GBC), while being a good game, was so cliche-riddled and derivative the plot was silly.

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