Archive for Game of the Moment
GOTD – Jumping Flash! 2
GOTD – Faxanadu
axanadu – Adventure/RPG (NES)
Hudson Soft / Falcom
If you’re thinking about playing an action RPG for NES, you’ve basically got two choices: Crystalis and Faxanadu. Faxanadu is evidently an offshoot from the Dragon Slayer series (a sequel to Xanadu), which Legacy of the Wizard is also from.
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GOTD – Deja Vu
Deja Vu – Adventure / Mystery (NES/GBC)
Kemco / Icom Simulations
Honestly, I have been pressured into including this one by multiple people – I am not terribly fond of the mystery / adventure genres myself, but I have to admit that this game is very well done for what it is intended to be, and as a current translator of a game that is similar (if much more forgiving), this game offers more open-endedness.
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GOTD – Aerobiz
Aerobiz / Aerobiz: Supersonic – Simulation/Strategy (SNES/GEN)
The SNES era was one of great experimentation for Koei. One of these experiments took the form of an airline business simulator – similar, I’d imagine, to what an Airline Tycoon game would be like (apparently one’s out, but I haven’t played it, nor do I plan to). You select a city and start out with an amount of money based on the starting city, and you buy airplanes and open routes between major world cities.
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