Archive for Japan Stuff

And the country that likes its names the least…

So one of the Wii’s many random features is the “Everybody Votes Channel”. Basically, this is a polling system where you register 6 voters. There are a few polls at a time and each voter can pick one of the two options offered (and predict the majority response). After a poll is finished and results are in, they can be viewed by anyone – you can view percentage of each answer by gender or region.

One of the international polls recently was “Do you like your name?”. The response was “Yes” by a large majority, but of interest – the country that, in general, disliked their names the most was Japan.

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Japan’s culture – Amae

I’m minoring in East Asian Studies (as well as Japanese) – probably the only senior doing so, actually.  To do this I had to take three separate Japanese culture/society classes, one in Japan and two here at school.  That one was even offered last quarter was somewhat of a fluke (if fortunate for me, since it got me the minor).

Anyway, I’d like to share one of the most foreign-seeming yet familiar aspects of the culture: Amae.  The dictionary I have says it means “depending on others’ kindness”, but it’s a bit more complex than that.  The word contains the kanji for “sweet”, but the actual concept involves showing one’s weakness to others.  From what I recall, this means showing some sort of flaw in one’s personality to others, and to depend on them in that regard.  To have amae for someone is to sort of entrust them with the knowledge of this weakness.  This can mean simply revealing some sort of vice or even a bad habit.  It’s not an entirely foreign idea; we only show our worst parts to those we trust.  Amae is sometimes it is something harmful to others as well; the most extreme example we learned was a husband beating his wife: the wife can, in some way, see this as an expression of his love for her, as he is revealing a weakness in his soul (the fact that he beats his wife).  I very much doubt it is seen as a positive thing to others; this is just an example I remembered.  Something to think about.

I may do a little bit on tatemae and honne (one subject, two words) later.  Could be an interesting topic with the way anonymity works on the internet.


That bath thingy I’ve been meaning to post.

Imagine the best shower you’ve ever taken.  Water at just the right temperature to relax in, plenty of water pressure (if you’re like me and you like that), plenty of time.

Now imagine something at least 5 times nicer and you may just have the idea of a Bathhouse (either ofuro or onsen, depending on whether it’s a hot spring) in Japan.  One of the professors at my college – in fact, our non-Japanese expert on Japanese culture – is an expert on baths, and has written a book specifically on them.  That’s how nice they are.

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Japan Photo Set 7 – Kyoto & Tokyo

This update covers Kyoto and Tokyo, which means this is the last Japan update.

We arrived in Kyoto on that Tuesday, I believe. We left on Thursday.

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Japan Photo Set 6 – Himeji Castle

I completed this program in mid-July, so it’d been about 3 months when I made this page. It might be fuzzy on some things.
It’s interesting to note that we found Himeji castle entirely by mistake. Keith, Joe and I decided to wander someplace for the fun of it. Himeji had a really big train station and was the end of a lot of local train lines, so we decided on there. Just outside of the train station, we saw a sign that said “15 minutes to Himeji Castle”. So we found one of the nicest castles in Japan by sheer luck.

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